Crime Coefficient Flags

Civilian ranked coefficients are listed below, these have no enforcement action against them and are free as a bird!

Label Coefficient
Civilian 010-80
Restored 081-100
Enforcer 101-150

This table lists coefficients along with reasons carried out by Sibyl enforcement actions.

A slightly larger breakdown per flag is listed further down below.

Flag Coefficient
TROLLING 151-200
SPAM 201-250
SPAMBOT 301-350
CUSTOM 351-400
NSFW 401-450
EVADE 451-500
MALIMP 501-550
RAID 551-600
MASSADD 601-650



Standard users with a clean record are listed under civilian, their coefficient always ranges from a value lower than 80.


A civilian with a history of enforcement action can be moved to this category if they are willing to make a change, such users often range from a coefficient of 81 to 100.


People who actively send scans. this part is still incomplete.


Civilians enforced due to inflammatory, insincere, digressive, or extraneous posting multiple times maybe be placed under this category. Such enforcement is often not considered a reason for enforcement as their hue ranges from 101-150 which is a tolerable range in today's date.


Use or abuse of telegram to send multiple unsolicited messages to a number of recipients for the purpose of advertising, for the purpose of non-commercial proselytizing will land you in this category with a coefficient of 151 to 200.


Creating alternative accounts to circumvent an enforcement action lands you under evade, this flag is often paired up with other flags thereby exponentially boosting a subjects coefficient.


A latent criminal's Crime Coefficient can be contagious. A Psycho-Hazard refers to the poisoning of another's Psycho-Pass following exposure to an already dangerous Psycho-Pass. This flag is further explained here in detail.


Bots/User-bots or bulk action objects that join a group to promote, scam and so on get listed under this category.


Should a custom enforcement reason be supplied the target individual enters the custom flag category, further reasoning on custom requires reading the supplied custom reason.


Posting or spamming around NSFW content across groups with the goal of causing a wide are stress logs a user under NSFW.


Short for malicious impersonation, impersonating other known users for the aim of causing any sort of harm lands the target in malimp category, at this point the user of lethal eliminator is recommended.


Attack on groups, user private message box, or a bot with the goal to cause harm or grief is subject to this flag.


Scraping other groups to then directly add members into their own group in an unsolicited manner lands the user and the owner of the group (often also subject to a PsychoHazard) into this flag.